
"Dennis writes with infectious enthusiasm."

Time Life Editor


". . . a well written, very informational book . . .

easy to read and understand . . . keeps your interest . . . makes history fun for young readers . . . a great book

for any middle school student."

Jefferson's Masterpiece

Students' Comments

"I now know more and understand more about the history of the Declaration of Independence."

"Everyone in our class loves when our teacher reads Jefferson's Masterpiece."

"It's a very interesting book. My favorite part is when Thomas Jefferson is convinced to write the Declaration of Independence."

"I learned so much about Thomas Jefferson."

"I learned so much about the Declaration of Independence that I didn't already know. I learned where the delegates met and I learned more about each individual delegate."

"I am reading your book Jefferson's Masterpiece and I love it so far. I like how the book is written in days not chapters."

Jefferson's Masterpiece

Juvenile Historical Fiction

"Well written yet easy to read, this book takes you through each day from when Jefferson was first asked to write the document that set forth

the reasons the colonies wanted to break ties with Great Britain. . . .

I found it interesting and an easy overlook at what was going on

during that time in American history.

"In the back it has a timeline of British and American actions,

a list of who signed the Declaration of Independence, and a quick look

at what happened to them all. Recommended for any age."

R Morris